Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I have the plague ...

Great. I woke up yesterday morning with what felt like a scene from the movie Alien. What was going on inside my body was horrific. The only thing worse was when it made its way out. I'll spare you more details. Only that it lasted the better part of the day. Thank god for left-over chemo meds. Those expensive anti-nausea pills do pay of, even if they are expensive ...and seriously expired.
Silas had to leave daycare early. We thought he was better. But, Kevin got a call that while playing and having a great time, he unexpectedly threw up everywhere. Man, we Schumachers go all out. So, he and I convalesced all evening on the pull-out. We spent the night there to spare Kevin from the plague. My house, now, smells like Lysol. I had to put the little rat that I rescued from Gusty out in the greenhouse, as I thought her already labored breathing might cease. I know, I know I save vermin. Get over it. Silas asked where I was putting her (Twee, as we call her). I told him to get some "fresh air." Honestly, we'll be lucky if the poor thing keeps breathing for a few more hours. But, we're trying.
I have my pre-op appointment with my plastic surgeon today. I'm excited. Just hope neither Silas nor I puke on her. Bless her heart. December 22nd is the day! Count down!

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