Friday, August 14, 2009


Quoted from the Huffington Post:

"Whole Foods CEO John Mackey penned an op-ed on health care reform in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal in which he pressed, amidst more standard conservative talking points, a "simple" solution.

"Recent scientific and medical evidence shows that a diet consisting of foods that are plant-based, nutrient dense and low-fat will help prevent and often reverse most degenerative diseases that kill us and are expensive to treat."

As TPM's Brian Beutler put it: "Translation: Whole Foods is the solution to all of America's health care woes."

However, for those of you who are tempted to follow Mackey's advice (and can afford it!) be warned: not all of the foods found at Whole Foods will actually make you healthy. As Mackey himself admitted last week, "Basically, we used to think it was enough just to sell healthy food, but we know it is not enough. We sell all kinds of candy. We sell a bunch of junk."

Funny thing: today John Mackey is getting shit for saying that he doesn't believe that universal health care should be provided to the people of America and that the constitution reflects that. I, personally, wonder if he missed The Preamble to The United States Constitution (I had to memorize it in 5th grade):
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

"promote the general welfare", to me, was written in an extremely vague manner FOR A REASON. "The GENERAL welfare" is so very open and vague for a reason. Our brilliant predecessors, obviously, had the intelligence to know that what they wrote would be the standard for years to come. They, obviously, knew that times would change and the words that they wrote would have to withstand such. But "general welfare", to me, means that it applies to the general populous of our country and the welfare of that group of people.
So, our health care system ain't cutting it.
Mr. Mackey is an enigma to me. I'm still astounded at his words.
It's a shame that he is using our Constitution to further his ignorant cause.
It's a shame that he's choosing to shit where he eats, as those progressive folks that are the life-blood of his business are, now, the same people upon whom he is shitting.
Why is it so easy for people to forget?


1 comment:

Annie Searle said...

Check my blog insurance reform is the topic. Great minds think alike.