Monday, August 24, 2009

Yahooo, Coyote Rep benefit!!!!

Just got word from Donnetta that the benefit in NYC was amazing. I just can't believe that some 6 months ago (or so), Donnetta approached me about writing a play based on the plight of the young survivor. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that, slowly but surely, we have been heard. That the plight of the young survivor will be common-place (work, babies, dating, boobies, sexual dysfunction, youth, gay, straight, asexual, adopting, divorcing, marrying, black, white, Asian, Latina, alien ...), is a dream for me.
I'm incredibly blessed to have so many amazing folks in my world. So, so many of them have gone out of their way(s) to donate money, time, space, and talent to the breast cancer cause.
I'm, now, awaiting more news and the actual video of the event.
Cannot wait to see the people that are fighting for us. Those that I've never met in person.
I was nervous as a Mama dear tonight for everyone. Just wished I could be there giving hugs and kisses or martinis or anything...
Thank you, thank you Donnetta for putting us on the map. Thank you Coyote Rep and all the amazing folks involved in this beautiful venture for making this a reality for us young survivors.
And, I'd like to send my love to the YSC gals of NYC that came out! Cannot wait to hear about it girls!
Again, thank you Donnetta for being such an amazing friend and inspiration. You have no idea how much that means.


Jeanne said...

It was a blast, Anna... all that was missing was you! But you were THERE! Thanks for your support, caring and props and most of all, for sharing your story with us!

:) Jeanne LaSala
Coyote REP

Dorcas Anna Warren said...

Thank YOU Jeanne for working so hard on something so close to my heart. Just got off the phone after an hour(s) long conversation with Donnetta. You are all an amazing group of people ... and I love you all. Thanks again.