Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday update...

Good evening, ya'll.
All's well at the "Shoutmacher" homestead. Kevin is at band practice tonight. A new band ... sort of thrash-metal. The man is a vocal wizard. So, he was asked to head up an existing Seattle band, as he's got the pipes of a God. That guy can sing you to sleep, sing at your wedding, rock the house, scream to demons, hum your baby to sleep, sing the blues, melodically share the Hymn book ... and, certainly, the phone book.
He, also, just got asked to do a voice-over by a music producer that he's worked very, very closely with for years. But, this time it's nothing to do with music. It's, actually, for a video game. Kevin has worked with actors for years. He was the second in command to my agent. He happens to have a great voice. This producer has known him for years. So, now, my husband is picking up where I left off. Oh Lord!!!! Do not tell me I'm gonna have to start singing ...
In other news, my nephew Briggs has been battling the swine flu. He's on his way outta the woods. Angi and Matthew have had him in isolation this entire time. Angi has been holed up with him ... when she's not working. Breaks my heart to know that sweet Briggs has been so very sick.
But, the boy is in the VERY BEST hands imaginable.
Mama is starting to feel it. The chemo. She had a rough day yesterday. We chatted tonight and I told her that I thought that it'd be best if she started to take Mondays and Tuesdays (after chemo) off. She was so sweet and receptive. She was totally nauseated yesterday. She had chemo last Thursday and then has, only, the weekend to recoup. Then, she goes back into a classroom of 3rd graders on Monday. I love my Mama ... but she's crazier than that shit-house rat for taking that nonsense on. This isn't news to her. I've already told her as much.
All I know is that the chemo is working. We've chatted about the mental issues and the physical issues it brings up. The mouths sores, the mental fog, the nausea, the lethargy. It's a bitch. And, I'm so very irate that my Mama has to deal with all of this. But, these symptoms are so, so close to my experience. And, it makes me aware of the fact that the chemo is kicking every last rogue cancer cell in the nuts! And for that, I am grateful!

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