Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Wow ... what a long and fabulous weekend!!!!! Mister Mosey turned 5 yesterday. Would have blogged, but we had much more fun things to do! So, I'm a day late on the "Birthday Blog." I think that is pretty telling ... in a great way.
Saturday was spent with friends and family celebrating the most amazing BIG BOY'S 5th birthday. We had an amazing time swimming at our hotel. We, then met up with our pals at Buca De Beppo. All I can say is that we were all in a coma after all of the fabulous food and wine. The boys ate their weight in cake. The adults needed wheel barrows to get our asses out of our chairs. It was such an amazing birthday for my little man.
Thanks so, so much to our amazing pals and family for all of the sweet calls and presents.
Thank you Grammie and Grandaddy for all of your love and support for the birthday celebration!!!!!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Silas deserves nothing less that AMAZING!!! We love you to the MOON....and BACK!!!