Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Tonight, I'm gonna rant. It's a rant about our "beloved" health insurance companies. Oh, how I adore them. I know you hear the sarcasm.
As many of you know, I had my reconstructive surgery in April. It was done in April, as all the following surgeries would fit into a calendar year and I would not have to deal with a huge deductible at the turn of the year. I covered all bases. Made sure that everything was covered "in network." I've never used ANYONE out of network.
Then ... and then ... I get a huge bill for my plastic surgeon's head nurse. She's a great gal. But, apparently, she did the final stitching to close me up at the end of the surgery. I had no choice. I did not know that she would even touch me. But, that is a moot point, as I talked to a woman at Healthnet on March 18th. She told me everyone in that OR would be covered - IN NETWORK, as I was told and made sure this was so. Now, Healthnet is saying that the nurse WAS covered ... but, she is covered OUT of network. I appealed this. They noted that I did make the call, but they say that they only told me that everyone in the OR was covered. They say they NEVER told me what level of coverage they would extend.
I find it so trite and hysterical that I would have never covered my ass on this one, as I've no history of ever getting a service from any provider that was "out of network." Plus, I'm the poorest of anyone of my pals. I think it stands to reason that I had that covered. But, because "Sue", the woman I spoke with to make sure all was well, didn't note that our conversation was based on the "out of network" thing, Healthnet has denied my appeal.
I know they think that I'll roll over. I have a dear friend in Seattle that has dealt with the same thing during her breast cancer battle. She appealed, they denied. She appealed again, they denied. On the third try, the insurance company HAS to send the appeal to a 3rd party that has no tie to either of the people involved. Guess what happened after Carrie's 3rd appeal: SHE GOT IT! The 3rd party, basically, said "Duh! Of course you should be covered!" The insurance companies are nauseating. To think that they pull this shit simply because most people don't spend the time to fight them is unbelievable. They know that most people won't push the issue. It's bullying at its best. It's abusive, honestly. How in the name of God can they find it appropriate and Okay???!!!!!!!!!!
So, I'm on it. There is no way in Hell that I"m gonna roll over on this one. No way. So, I'll re-appeal ... is that even a word? If they deny it, they are forced to send it to the 3rd party. I welcome that. They don't want me bringing in providers and them telling the 3rd party how much bullshit they, also, had to deal with in regards to my insurance company.
I was so pissed in the beginning. Now, I'm fine. One way or another, they are gonna have to answer to this. They are gonna have to spend their time dealing with a breast cancer survivor who has been fighting for her life and has been on top of all this bullshit the whole time. Let us not forget that I was diagnosed when Silas was 6 months old. Let us not forget that he is now 2 and I've got much bigger fish to fry than this rancid insurance company. HOPE THOSE BASTARDS CAN SLEEP AT NIGHT. If not, maybe they should find a shrink or a good preacher-man. They screwed with the wrong red-neck.
I've got better things to do with my life and the precious people in it than spend time FIGHTING my insurance company. They should be ashamed. Terribly, terribly ashamed.
Until they see the light, I'll be lighting a fire under their asses that might just send them hollering for the light. Or away from the light, depending on how hot their asses get!
Nighty, night loves.

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