Friday, September 26, 2008


So, as you've all been told, I've got some pals with some issues.
Well, sidle up to the bar, I'll pour you a drink and you can listen to this ...
Sweet Jennifer's brain MRI ended up great! Well, not "great", but it WAS NOT CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm doing cartwheels behind the bar. Apparently she has some sort of "gliosis"(?) that is up in her damned brain. This could be caused my any number of things: trama, MS, or a mild stroke. We're not sure what caused it. We don't care. As long as The Beast hasn't returned, it could be a yard gnome for all I care. She's thrilled. I'm thrilled. That's that. Bless you my sweet friend.
In other news, K-dawg went in to move onto a new and VERY advanced form of chemo. It's called Exempra ... or something like that. Her blood test came back fine, as they do those before even letting her do the actual chemo. Unfortunately, she waited half the day to get the damned blood tests back. Good thing several of her best cancer-club girlfriends crashed the infusion center to back her up ... oh, and Silas. Where I go, he goes.
So, she finally got the meds. She was, actually, in good spirits and was her same old crazy-ass self. The other gals had to get going around 2:30. So, Silas and I stayed during the 3 hour infusion, as I wanted to make sure she was okay to drive after the deal was done. She napped. Silas napped. I confiscated most objects in the room that weren't nailed or taped down. Hell, we're paying for it. As soon as she was hooked up to that infusion, she had just bought the bed, the toilet, the two televisions, the mirrors, and the bed pans. I did NOT take the bed pans. I did end up with some lovely robes, blue pee-pee pads (for my agent's incontinent cat), surgical tape (I use that stuff all the time), crackers, juice. My purse looked like it was 12 months pregnant. I don't consider this stealing. I consider it getting back what is owed to US. Oh, and I definitely got some "Splenda". Got guests staying at the house tonight. Gotta make sure we can sweeten their coffee in the AM. Hell, they could be diabetic for all I know.
So, all in all, it was a great day. K-dawg received a shit-load of print outs on other amazing chemo drugs and trial studies from our brilliant co-survivor Korrelly. That lady is amazing. So, that gives her some idea of the amount of meds that are out there to help in the fight.
WE will also be in the forefront of her fight, as she is us and we are her. Cancer is, again, gonna get its ass handed to it.
I know that at any moment, these women would drop everything to be with me and help me in a time of crisis. Cannot tell you how blessed that makes me feel. They are truly my soul-mates.
Have a wonderful night and a great weekend.
p.s. Soul-mates are the new black

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