Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rough Day...

  Please light a candle, say a prayer, send loving vibes to my sister in breast cancer.  Danica Martinez passed away last night.  If you read this blog regularly, you know that everyone was working very hard to find a marrow match for our dear Danica.  Unfortunately, it is too late.  Please hold her 3 children (to a single mama) close to your hearts.  Please remember that these young women that have lost their battle with this beast have family and friends that live on with this burden of the heart.  They were young women that had so much more life to live.  Had so much time to find the love of their lives.  Had young children that they wanted to see grow up.   Had much more time to become the most amazing women in the work-a-day world or the world where one sits on a park bench and ponders the meaning of life.  Too much of their lives was spent pondering how long they could stay alive to see all the beautiful things that most folks get to see in an "average" life span.
  God speed to you Danica.  I know you and Jayme are out there jumping up and down.  Laughing and crying with joy to be able to see one another again.  I know you're looking out for your fellow sisters in this breast cancer battle.  I, simply, hate that you're having to look from afar.  I'm certainly glad that you're no longer hurting.  You are terribly missed.
  Bless your soul, sweet girl.


Unknown said...

I lit my candle!

Dorcas Anna Warren said...

Ah, miss Lyla, I lit mine and slept on the couch beside it all night long. When I woke up, it had burnt out. Pretty fitting.