Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well, I'm pissed. Got news today that my sister in the BC fight got some bad results on her latest MRI. K-dawg is a dreamy woman. You know of her from this blog. She's one of my dearest friends. She's as crazy as me ... only, she's quiet about it. She's got 2 gorgeous girls ... one of which was in her belly while she was on her first round of chemo. In any case, K-dawg went metastatic: stage 4. But, she is thriving and living with a chronic disease. It's not lost on me that I might very well be that gal tomorrow. In any case, she got her latest MRI this week. The results weren't what we'd hoped for. Her mets are in her lungs. This, we've known. The original tumor was 2cm. Apparently, after the MRI this week, it's double in size since July. Plus, we've got a new one on her left lung. This lung was, previously, unaffected. But, there is good/great news. There are so many chemo-cocktails that she hasn't been exposed to yet. She's got a huge list of treatments to toss around until she finds the perfect match. AND SHE WILL. I know that she is worried about seeing her girls grow up. I've been there. It's the most nauseating feeling that one will EVER experience. It's unbelievably unfair that young women have to spend time focusing on this retched disease. It's a waste of our life and a waste of our young souls. But, to have young children during the process pushes it to a level that most people could never comprehend. It's Earth shattering. One bares the weight of the world when they think that they might not be around to see their young children grow up. Most people haven't had to deal with it. I have. I can tell you, it's the most disgusting feeling EVER.
Please send love to my sweet K-dawg. I know the new chemo is gonns kick this shit. Plus, we have an amazing amount of other chemo drugs to back it up if it's not the PERFECT match. Holler!
On a different note, my girlfriend Jennifer, in Chicago, had an MRI today that scared her a bit. She had a brain MRI, as she's been having some "issues." The process didn't sit well with her. I think that the techs didn't think before they spoke. Plus, they dragged her through tests that weren't even on the books. Not good. So, she's stressed. I can only imagine that I'd be feeling the same damned way. Please send a prayer/positive vibe/wish/etc. for sweet Jen. She is such a love and such a positive and strong force in the young breast cancer survivor community.
Okay, off to ... clean the THRUSH OUT OF MY MOUTH. No joke. I've been so doped up on antibiotics for my septic-arm that I've, now, gotten the "Thrush." We came up with all kinds of crazy super-hero names for me at work. I'm disgusted. Called my oncologist and said, "Okay, flesh eating virus is one thing, but THRUSH ... OH, HELL NO. I cannot deal with this. I sat in traffic and scraped stuff off of my tongue with a credit card." I hate to say it, but cancer was less invasive than "thrush." What is that name, anyway? It sounds like an apocalyptic warrior. OR, someone on Baywatch.
Disgusting. I'm on high levels of meds. It'll get kicked in 3 days. The funny thing is, half of the folks I talked to about it had gotten thrush! Where in the hell have I been? It's like the poor man's herpes!

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