Friday, September 11, 2009

First day of "The 3-Day" in Seattle...

21.6 miles. That's what the amazing women and men that have trained for this walk endured today. My girlfriends finished the walk before we were able to make it up to the final "rest station." We loaded up in the car, started driving, and called to see where they were. "We're almost to camp" is was we heard. Those ladies were ROCKING it! As they needed to eat and shower and relax, we decided not to go up and interrupt that. I know how it is to do the 3-day and wait for an hour, or so, just to take a 3 minute shower ... in a bus ... after walking 20-something miles. I hope they got some good food in their bellies and had a fabulous shower and got to sit down in their tents and laugh.
My first 3-day was, and will be, one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life. The women I walked with have become family to me. Some still walk ... some cannot ... others choose not to for various life situations. No matter what, we are all very proud of those that do and will support them to NO end.
I chose to back out of the 3-day for personal reasons ... namely, my cousin that was diagnosed in May and has no insurance. I wanted to spend my time raising money for her and her family. I cannot tell you how many folks have helped her out. It's amazing. She's, nearly, half-way done with chemo. It's taken a toll on her. After telling her to ask her doc for several meds that might help the side-effects, she's gotten SOME relief. But, she's still struggling. She'll be done soon. That's the best news and advice that I can share with her. Other than, "I know EXACTLY how you're feeling. And, it WILL get better." To be a young woman with this disease is like playing in a hockey game whilst wearing roller skates. An anomaly. No one needs to deal with that sort of adversity while fighting for their life. We've got children to raise, for God's sake!
The best we can do is to stand up, support our sisters and their families, and FIGHT.
Thanks to the folks that have the balls to walk the 3-day, the fight is ON!
I, truly, thank everyone that is sleeping in a tiny pink tent tonight in Everett, Washington. I feel certain that, as you sleep, your poor legs and raw feet will be comforted by our lost warriors ... our guardian angels. I know they are thanking you from above. Just as I do from down here.

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