Monday, September 14, 2009

So... I have this client...

Many moons ago, I got a client that seemed a tough nut to crack. He was quiet, but kind. He had retired after working many years at a job that paid off. He has silver/white hair and it is PERFECT ... beautiful. The first day he sat in my chair, I gathered that he'd like to keep a bit of length on his hair. He didn't want it to look like he had just been sheered. AND, his wife was going to be the best judge of the haircut, as she was pretty particular about his hair.
Holy Hank.
Flash forward: this client has been with me for over 4 years. We'd enjoyed each other so, so much.
And then, he told me that his wife was going to come in to visit me, as she was not happy with what her hair stylist was doing with her hair. She wanted to give me a try.
Lump in throat.
I had, at that point, grown to know him so well that I knew that his wife had, at one point, been one of the top female CEOs in the country. She's been asked, by governors of Washington state to head up boards and causes.
Again, lump in throat.
She came to me. And, I was a nervous wreck.
Today and forever, she will be one of the best clients I've EVER had. We've bonded in a way that only two southern girls can. She's a beautiful silver-haired spitfire.
We have shared so, so much of our lives with one another. I feel like she's a second Mama/sister.
We chatted the other day about friendship. How it is, apparently, not always as it seems.
We spoke about diversity. We spoke about honor. We spoke about truths. We spoke about the fact that, in the end, some people are innately narcissistic and will never "get it." Pushing others under the proverbial bus is easy for them. Friendship takes back seat to their own agendas.
And we spoke about how easy it is, for people that we've both known, to make the world and all its "whatnots" all about them ... AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS. Man ... at the expense of others ... regularly. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that being easy for them. I have a feeling I'll never "get it."
But, it seems that everyone else is in the same boat with people of this nature.
That's the biggest truth. And it's not lost on ANYONE.

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