Monday, September 7, 2009

"War IS terrorism"....

I beg to differ.
As a Seattlite, I end up behind "that" car daily. I've seen this bumper sticker for years. I'm an uber-liberal gal. But, today, I realized what has been bothering me about it. Yes, it's taken a while to catch on. Again, I'm just gonna blame chemo.
TERRORISM is terrorism. War is war. Neither of the two are anything that I want in my world. But, they are by no means the same. Throw your thesauruses out folks, if you believe that.
To begin: I hate the idea of war. I hate that that's what the majority of our "dramatic" human history is based upon. Most of these wars were based on religion... which to me is so nauseating. The current war in the Middle East is, certainly, not something I support. I've not agreed in how it went down and will continue to disagree with the measures taken to ensure its being cemented into modern history.
However, to make such a broad statement as "War is terrorism", to me, is so simple-minded AND offensive.
So ... um ... if we had not chosen to fight a war against Hitler and his cohorts, we WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER PEOPLE? We are "terrorists" for having fought a war against such an evil and despicable human being (if he can even be called that)??!! Generalizations are quite the beast, in my mind.
Would the secret operations that have taken place during horrific genocides in Africa be considered "terrorism" simply because they were a planned attack against a governing "body" ... a terroristic group that had murdered and raped family members in front of their own children? Are we or anyone else "terrorists" for directing an offensive against such beasts? I think not.
I hate war. I don't subscribe to it. But, at times, it seems a necessary beast until we ass-hats ... humans ... pull our heads out of our nether regions and just grow to accept that we're all very much alike and all extremely different.
So, to those of you that make a living making bumper stickers, could you do me a favor and think a bit more about what you're printing. Lord knows, I'm gonna get stuck behind some lemming in traffic.
Now, I'll mosey off my soap box and return to what I do best: snoring.

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