Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rubber meets the road...

Got friends? REAL FRIENDS?


TeamHyra said...

I want you to know you do have friends, real friends, friends that would go to the mat for you girl!

You are wonderful! I am so happy that you are my new friend.

Sarah said...

Uh, yeah jackass. You've got a real friend right here! muah!

Cancer Mommy said...

I have a total girl crush on you, and your family is adorable! I don't exactly know what brought on this post, but please know that even though I am far away, I would do anything for you guys. I'm sure I'm not the only one, either. Who couldn't love you? Squishy hugs!

Unknown said...

Yes, m'dear, you most certainly do! And I'm quite envious, I must admit...

I'll see you soon and get the scoop on whatever it is that's going on. In the meantime, hang in there, beautiful!