Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ahhhh ... love ...

Ain't it grand. I love, love it. Love, the whole idea ...
What I don't love is when ignorant people turn it into a circus or a game. They affect, truly, other individual's worlds. Had a client that is a therapist tell me about a sociopath client of hers the other day. Dear God, it hit home.
You know the sort of folks: might want to hug up on your wife or husband a bit too long ... tend to be the drunk person at that party that makes people uncomfortable while they make out with random men (a preacher, a married man, etc.). The guy that seems to be the "husband of the year", yet lets his family down incessantly. On the surface, these people tend to be the life of the party. Underneath, they shred lives.
When women and men can do nothing but pull this shit, it is obvious that that is their true nature. I get that. And they need help.
What I don't get is their propensity to be totally okay with it and blame others in the aftermath. AND, to continue to do so.
I, actually, had a "friend" who my husband would chat with online when we were no longer talking. Drama indeed. Touch of Junior High in that whole situation. But, after a year or so ,,,,, after the whole deal, it's makes total sense. Husband "got" it. I "got" it.
Any woman that feels that she needs to feed off of married men needs to get a hobby. OR, a therapist.
I think the therapist should be first choice. It's desperation at its finest.
The men that behave this way are just as guilty ... especially when children are involved. To "act" like a father and husband is one thing. To BE ONE is completely different.
To consistently drive a wedge between friends, families, and loved ones SHOULD make you reflect.
I guess that folks like that don't have the capacity to comprehend what would happen if such things were done to them.
And .... shame on them for not making an attempt to make things right.
In the end, the folks left in the wake have to pick up the pieces. And ....I'm fine doing it. Clearly well knowing that.
I live a beautiful life. I adore my friends and family. Cannot imagine throwing anyone that I "claim" to care about under ANY bus. Cannot imagine doing so.
If you're not happy in your life situation, then change it. Don't Take all of your energy and put it into betraying everyone around you and hurting your own family and that of others.
It's a move that only a cheap and selfish coward would make.
And, in the end, there are more people affected ... more than you EVER expected.


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