Sunday, July 27, 2008

Judgmental people

  If you are a person who chooses to judge other people, openly, then you should take a step back and reflect.  Think about the person or thing that you are judging ... in it's most base state.  I think that, during your "deep" process of judging, you should take a step back and look at yourself.  Do you behave, regularly, in a way that might cause you to be judged by others?  Do you talk before you think:  no internal monologue?  Do you know what others think about your behavior and opinions?   Chances are, you don't.  Is it easier for you to spend time judging others and not dealing with your own issues?  
  Are you intimidated by someone:  them, their opinions, and their beliefs?   Do you judge in efforts to squelch your own fears or issues?  By the way, if you do that, you're projecting ... it's not their issue:  it's yours.
  I think we're all guilty of judging people without really knowing them.  Myself include.
  But, for God's sake, look within before you throw your own shit on them.  We will all judge.  I do it more frequently than I care(d) to admit.  But, I don't act out on it, regularly, as I know that I should look within.  I try to do that ... doesn't always work
  I'm not saying that that changes much about me.  I talk non-stop.  I'm loud.  I pass gas in public.  I am a road-rager.  But, despite all of that, I choose not to throw someone under a bus in hopes that I can have control.   It's not appropriate.  It's wasteful.  It's non-productive.
  By the way, those of you that do choose to judge:  everyone around you knows you're doing it.  That's your M.O.