Friday, October 9, 2009

Next week Mama starts chemo!!!!

I know that, generally, the exclamation points wouldn't be desired. But, considering the arduous process that she's gone through, IT'S ABOUT DAMNED TIME. She wants nothing more than to start chemo and get this nonsense behind her.
Her port was placed yesterday and she's feeling just fine. She will begin her treatment at 3:00pm on Thursday, October 15th. As all chemo patients are, I imagine that she'll be a bit nervous. But, at this time, she is not. Just as I was three years ago, she's ready to make sure that Cancer gets a good ass whoopin'. So, onward she marches. I'm so proud of her bravery, her patience, and her drive. But, this is no shocker to me. She's always been a tough as nails lady.
She'll, actually, be doing the same chemo drugs that I did. However, she will be doing treatment every three weeks as opposed to my every two weeks. This will afford her an extra week of recovery ... and she's gonna need it, as she's planning on continuing teaching her 3rd grade class ... FULL TIME. I don't know if she's amazing or just plain crazy. I have a feeling it's a bit of both, but weighing more on the latter.
My family has been handed the shit end of the stick quite a bit within the past few years. I'm constantly in awe of their strength and fortitude. They don't falter ... no matter what. I'm certain that Mama's process and healing will prove just another example of why I'm so proud of my family.
I'm so, so honored to have been born into the fold.
I love you, Mama. You're gonna kick ASS, my girl!!!!!!
Pussy Willow


Beth said...

Good luck to your mama! I pray she has minimal side effects. Keep us updated.

Dorcas Anna Warren said...

I will, I will. Thanks Miss Beth. Love you, honey.