Wednesday, May 14, 2008


  This is political.  If you're a staunch Republican and don't know me well,  this isn't the post for you.  Those that know me well and are staunch Republicans won't find this shocking.
  John Edwards just endorsed My Obama!  I think that's wonderful.   Most folks were banking on him endorsing Hillary.  I didn't know how it would turn out.  But, after actually seeing it on the news, John Edwards is backing Obama.  I'm thrilled.  I don't care if he's doing it in the hopes that he might be chosen as the Vice Presidential candidate.  I really don't.  I could care less, at this point, what pushes Obama to becoming the Democratic nominee.  I just want want him to be the one that runs against John McCain.  I Don't have a huge problem with the Republican candidate.  I, honestly, believe that he's a decent person.  I just don't subscribe to the conservative view point.  I have many beloved members of my family that do.  That's fine by me.  They are still my beloved family.  However, as a woman and a cancer survivor and an artist and an advocate for those that aren't heterosexual and those that are EXTREMELY pro-stem cell research and a person that believes in "LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS", I simply have to vote as a Democrat in this race.  I want the war to end as quickly as possible.  I know veterans of several different wars that are in total agreement.  Just our take.
   Obama is the "face of America."  He's a melting pot within himself.   Many races.  Many social situations.  Great education.
  I could care less that he's associated with a pastor that was hyped up and spewed nonsense.  How many of your  FRIENDS do that regularly and you still end up at their homes.  He, at least, addresses the topic earnestly and promptly.  It's brilliant.  I wish ALL politicians addressed the country's concerns and rumors so quickly and with such honesty.  WOW.  HONESTY.  THAT'S A NEW ONE FOR A POLITICIAN.
  I am certainly not saying that he's perfect.  I'm not saying that there will NOT be some drama to come.  However, I am saying that he's a great person to confront such situations.  He's an amazing orator.  George W. Bush should have taken lessons from Obama.  HELL, W SHOULD HAVE TAKEN LESSONS FROM SILAS.   How did he become our president for 8 years?  My 2 year old can pronounce nuclear ... that's a feat.
  In any case, it's a great night for me.  Glad to hear that things are coming to a head.  
  Hopefully someone will pop that zit that is this ridiculous Democratic primary and help it to smooth over and heal in preparation for the REAL battle.
  Please think.  Please vote.  Think of health care.  Think of our precious planet.  Think of women's rights.  Think of trying to find a way to get our war heros home in a timely manner.  I, like many struggling Americans,  know that money is an issue,. But I'd rather think about what is left after we have left this planet.  The money can wither or burn.  The rights, welfare, and longevity of those beings (animal, plant, or mineral) that we leave behind are what we truly need to focus on.   My blessed son happens to be one of those.  
   Man, that might just be the most serious post that you'll see on this blog ... ever.  I'm sure I'll eat those words.
  Tomorrow, I go to get heart scans and my Herceptin infusion.  
  I actually look forward to it.  Just another day spent with amazing people that are helping save my life.  They have become my friends/family.  They've been with me from the beginning. They were there when my hair was falling out and I was laughing about it.   They help keep me in "remission".   We, the breast cancer gals, prefer to call it NED:  No Evidence of Disease.  I guess remission is a touchy term.  I don't mind it, myself.   Semantics aside, all I want is clean and clear scans for another 60 years ... or until I can't appreciate a sunset.
  Good night dear readers.
  GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

thoughts and prayers as you continue your fight.
you are so brave and i admire you.

Dorcas Anna Warren said...

Hey Jerry ...

If you're reading this, are you Jerry from Yakima? If not, which Jerry are you? Sorry, I could have been married to you. But, after chemo, I cannot remember anything. Are you in Seattle? Do you know the folks in Ballard that hosted my agent's sister-in-law?
Do tell